Dr. Anthony J.W. Chen, MD is a Harvard-trained neurologist pursuing translational interventions that will help Post-9/11 Veterans suffering from Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and Post-Traumatic Stress (PTS) cope with and heal so that they can successfully return to society as self-sufficient individuals.
As of February 1st, 2016 Dr. Chen and EBIRE secured $254,000 from a local philanthropist to initiate a 3-pronged project through PRN:
1. Veteran Liaison – This position facilitates connections with Post-9/11 Veterans seeking education and/or training.
2. Technology Development – To use technology to create guided learning experiences, integrating proprietary game scenarios with coaching to strengthen neuro-cognitive skills. Training of neuro-cognitive skills is enhanced with experiences in which challenges to goal-direction (e.g. distractions) are encountered, from digital game scenarios through to personally-relevant scholastic settings and goals.
3. UC Berkeley Class – Building on two prior semesters of curriculum already deployed with remarkable success, this class will function as the model site for neuroscience-driven interventions that strengthen students’ abilities and ultimate scholastic achievement.
If you would like to become involved in this unique project:
You are encouraged to view the following two websites:
– http://www.neural-pathfinder.com
– http://profiles.ucsf.edu/anthony.chen
Please consider making a matching donation specific to PRN!
Feel free to contact EBIRE directly at 916-843-2713, and we can arrange for a presentation to your group or organization.