The Department of Veterans Affairs utilizes a template for all contractual agreements involving both pharmaceutical and device manufacturing companies. Referred to as “Cooperative Research And Development Agreements,” or “CRADAs” these templates streamline the legal contracting process. The five types of CRADA models are:
i. Basic Science
ii. Phase I-IV
iii. New Device
iv. PI-Initiated
v. Material Transfers
As of October 1st, 2015 VA revised the Phase I-IV CRADA to be even more industry-friendly. Specifically, revisions that can be incorporated in to all CRADAs give ownership interest of inventions and intellectual property to the industry sponsor.
Given the vast, diverse patient population within the VA medical system, coupled with the healthcare industry’s bests electronic medical record system, conducting research at VANCHCS through EBIRE is a fabulous opportunity for industry. Moreover, Veterans are some of the most likely people to participate in research studies, providing them an opportunity to continue to serve.
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